What You See Is What You Get

Lately it seems it’s 1 step forward, 10 steps back. We’re beginning to wonder if things will ever feel normal again.  With external circumstances changing on the daily, our feelings and emotions can easily be pulled all over the place. 

I’ve heard the scripture over and over again:  

“Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”  

It doesn’t say there won’t be times that we feel forsaken. It says He will not fail, nor forsake. All too often we allow our feelings to work against the truths of God’s word.  

Reacting to life’s circumstances based on our feelings is the easiest way out. It takes no effort to ride the waves of our emotions. The problem is the waves take us to places we never intended to go. One thought leads to another, which leads to depression and anxiety, which leads to fear and isolation.  

If the enemy can isolate us from God’s Word and silence the voices of people God has placed in our life, his voice is the only one left to hear. If we feel forsaken by God we will not bother to open His word to read the truth that makes us free. Now, more than ever it is so important that we are intentionally centering ourselves in truth. 

There’s a saying I hear often “Sometimes He changes our circumstances, other times He changes us. The truth is, change is 100% in our ballpark. Dark moments in life undoubtedly cause change. The results of that change, good or bad, depends entirely on the condition of our hearts. God reveals His strength in our weakness when we reveal our trust in His word. The less than ideal circumstances we find ourselves in often serve as a platform for change. When we allow circumstances to dictate our praise, we rob ourselves of the solid foundation God is trying to develop in us. 

There’s something about complete vulnerability with God that draws His attention. When we open up to Him with our greatest fear and deepest insecurities – He begins to show us His heart.

Karissa Fuller

“What you see is what you get” so the question is, where is our focus at? Do we magnify the uncertainty of the future or the One who knows the end from the beginning? The sacrifice found in surrender, or the One who died so we could live? The mistakes of our past, or the One who redeems and restores? All we’ve been through or the One who works all things for our good? When we begin to see Him for who He truly is, and what He has already done, the worries of this life fade and strongholds are loosed.  

There’s something about complete vulnerability with God that draws His attention. When we open up to Him with our greatest fear and deepest insecurities – He begins to show us His heart. This is where ashes are exchanged for beauty, where mourning turns to dancing. It’s the place where perfect love casts out all fear and hope is restored.

About Karissa Fuller 3 Articles
Karissa Fuller is currently surviving thriving in her role as a SAHM to her 4 children. She manages to juggle the ups and downs of motherhood, marriage and entrepreneurship. She and her husband, David have been married for 15 years. She enjoys reading a good book, singing, and spending time with friends and family. More recently, she has started a family blog entitled “Fuller Perspective”. On the blog, she shares her past experiences, as well as what God is teaching her in what she refers to as “a season of waiting”.

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