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Raymart C. Lugue

Raymart is the Associate Pastor of Life Church in Campbellton, NB and the Director of the Atlantic District Multicultural Ministries He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Adamson University, with a Diploma in Theology at Northeast Christian College, and Master of Theological Studies at Urshan Graduate School of Theology. He is currently active in preaching, teaching, and leadership ministries in Canada.


Justin L. Henry

Justin is an ordained minister with the United Pentecostal Church International. Since 2019 he has traveled full-time as an evangelist throughout the United States preaching and teaching. He is a certified SYMBIS facilitator able to offer pre-marriage education and post-marriage assessments to couples looking to strengthen their relationship. Justin is an avid reader and studies to show himself approved. He loves God, loves others, and desires to help people know God more deeply. He lives in Odessa, TX with his wife and two boys.



Kara McCoy

Rev. Kara. S.McCoy is an ordained, full-time evangelist out of the Minnesota District where she lives with her family. She holds a Masters in Counseling, is a licensed school counselor in the public school system and is completing her PhD in Clinical Psychology. Along with preaching and teaching, she works with pastors, Christian Education staff, and church outreach programs to enhance their effectiveness in populations that have experienced high levels of trauma and/or substance abuse. She is a board member of the UPCI’s International Association of Apostolic Educators, has written for the General Youth Department, and Word Aflame Publications.


Breana Henry

Breana Henry holds a Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counseling (Angelo State University) and a Bachelor’s Degree in English (University of Texas of the Permian Basin). She served numerous years as a Professional School Counselor and a middle school teacher. Breana currently travels and ministers with her husband as full-time Evangelists with the United Pentecostal Church International. She lives with her husband and two boys in Odessa, TX.



Summer Still

Summer is a member of New Life Church in Chillicothe, MO, where she and her husband, Jacob serve in ministry under the leadership of Pastor Jeff Keck. Her greatest ministry is being a mother to two precious little boys. She is the founder of Let’s Talk Jesus, a blog that is focused on Christian encouragement. Summer has a passion for helping with church planting and growing new ministries within churches.


Genessa Torsy

Rev. Genessa Torsy is a licensed UPCI minister as well as Pastor’s Wife of Apostolic Life Church in Carbondale, Illinois. Her first book, Hold the Lamb, is in process of publication. Aside from her role as pastor’s wife, Sister Torsy has worked with youth, children’s ministries, music ministry, and loves teaching bible studies!


Brooke Tracy

Brooke is a youth leader in her local church, a psychology student and secretary of the CMI chapter Lifewise at UNB Fredericton, and a proud member of the universe.


Kara Moses

Kara is on the ministry team at the First United Pentecostal Church of Leesville, Louisiana.  She lives to worship with all of her heart and share the life-giving Word of God at every opportunity.  She speaks, sings, writes and dedicates every available moment to the facilitating of revival in her local Church.  She is also a tenured Advocate and has served within multiple national networks of Attorney and Non-Attorney representatives in serving people with disabilities.



Dustin Midkiff

Dustin Midkiff is a licensed minister with the United Pentecostal Church International. He is passionate about the Word of God and exploring its concepts with friends through writing and round table discussions. His hobbies include but are not limited to, writing both fiction and non-fiction, hunting, fishing, playing music, podcasting, cooking, and European and American History.


Caitlin Walker

Along with being the Music Director at the Pentecostals of Miramichi, Caitlin is wife to Trent, and Mom to Gracie and Zoey. She is passionate about reading, writing, discovering new music and anything that allows her to be creative.


Brandon Crooker

Rev. Brandon M. Crooker is a minister of the gospel out of Winterport, Maine. He is a published author of several books including “Matters of the Heart: Exploring What the Bible Says about the Heart,” and “Restore: A Biblical Guide to Restoration & Reconciliation”. He is the founder and managing editor of the “Pentecostal Periodical” and the Host of the “Apostolic Theory” podcast and blog. He is a husband, father, and student of the Word of God.


Vanessa Taylor

Vanessa Taylor is the creator of GoYeKids.com, a website dedicated to providing children’s ministry resources to churches of all sizes and budgets. She has authored several curriculum books and enjoys teaching workshops at ministry conferences, churches, and online. She has served in ministry for over 17 years and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Ministry/Church Leadership from Hope International University/Apostolic School of Theology.