Seeing God As He Is

Take inventory of your life as it is right now. Consider the things you have said, your reactions toward others, and your attitudes. How we respond to the situations of life reveals how we view God. I realize the weight and the gravity of that statement. I am convinced that too many Christians lack the spiritual revelation necessary to live in the freedom of redemption, beyond condemnation and into life abundant.

To handle situations that don’t agree with us, we must have the proper view of God. We have got to see Him as He is—as healer, redeemer, high priest, protector, provider, rest, and strength. You may question how a human, finite mind could comprehend His vastness and glory, but that is what is so powerful about it. You do not need to understand Him to obey Him.

To handle situations that don’t agree with us, we must have the proper view of God.

Brandon Crooker

We walk by faith and not by sight. This is critical in understanding how to see God as He is. To see God as He is, it requires faith. Without faith it is impossible to please Him, and I believe that you want to be pleasing!

He is the heavenly Father, the eternal spirit, and the God who fills the universe! He is all-knowing and all-powerful! He is everywhere present and nowhere absent. The Psalmist writes, “If I ascend into Heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there” (Psalm 139:8 NKJV) That means whether we are experiencing the mountain tops of life, or the valley of the shadow of death, God is there! Every mountaintop experience eventually leads you back down to the valley.

Proverbs 18:24 teaches us that “there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother,” that will never leave nor forsake you. That He will be with you always, even to the end of the earth. In your weakest moments, He is still strong. The apostle, Paul experienced terrible situations following his interaction with Jesus on the road to Damascus. Ship wreaks, perils, and even a thorn in his flesh, for it was a messenger of Satan that was sent to buffet him. Paul cries out to God and receives the response, “my grace is sufficient for you.”

In your weakest moments, He is still strong.

Brandon Crooker

In other words, the grace of God is greater than any attack from the adversary, any shortcomings you may have, or any mistake that you may make. We are talking about the God who flung the stars into existence, stretches the heavens, and whose throne is high above it all. This great God who existed before time began, before anything was, He was there, and created man in His image. As you read this, I want to encourage you to see God as He is, so you can be what God has called you to be.

We struggle with less-than-ideal situations, difficult people, and even the unexpected happenings of life because we so quickly lose sight of the power and authority we have as children of God. Through the power of the Holy Ghost, when we have a clear understanding of who He is, it will release you to do what He has called you to do. Moses, Gideon, and David experienced the incredible delivering power of God because as He called them, they rose to the occasion in faith. Abraham left everything he had known to follow after the voice of God. Abraham experienced this friendship. When we see God as our friend, our father, our provider, our comfort, and our strength, it makes everything seem possible. Remember, you can do all things through Christ. Nothing is impossible for a Christian who is sold out to the things of God.

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About Brandon Crooker 5 Articles
Rev. Brandon M. Crooker is a minister of the gospel out of Winterport, Maine. He is a published author of several books including “Matters of the Heart: Exploring What the Bible Says about the Heart,” and “Restore: A Biblical Guide to Restoration & Reconciliation”. He is the founder and managing editor of the “Pentecostal Periodical” and the Host of the “Apostolic Theory” podcast and blog. He is a husband, father, and student of the Word of God.

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