How It All Began

Testimony of Bro. Lee Stoneking

The next morning [after I got the Holy Ghost], the alarm went off, but I didn’t get up.

I called the office and said, “I am not coming today.” And he asked, “Are you sick?” I said, “No.”

“What’s wrong?”

“You’ll never understand.”

I have prayed so hard to get the Holy Ghost that I declared a national holiday for myself. ​I just sat on my recliner and [listened] to Vesta Mangun and Murell Ewing and I spoke in tongues all day.

Something is supposed to happen when you pray in the name of Jesus.

Lee Stoneking

Last year, a minister asked me something after a service where people had been healed. He said, “Bro. Stoneking, when did you get a hold of all of these? When did all of these began to happen for you?” I said, “What do you mean?” He replied, “When did people begin to get healed in your ministry life?”

I looked at him and said, “I’ve always had it. I’m a believer. I am a Bible-believer. These signs shall follow them that believe.”

For [instance], I didn’t get to work that Monday morning [after I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost]. I called [our landlady], Ethel. She answered her phone, and I said, “Ethel, I got the baptism of the Holy Ghost last night, speaking with tongues!” She said, “What?” I said, “I got the baptism of the Holy Ghost last night speaking with tongues. I got the Holy Ghost!”

She said, “Oh! I am so sick. I cannot get my head off the pillow. I am desperately ill.” And I said, “I am coming over!”

I ran back to that bedroom. She looked awful lying on that pillow. I said, “Ethel, listen. I am a believer. Believers can lay hands on the sick and they will recover. I’ve got to anoint you with oil. Have you got any oil in the house?” She looked at me and said, “I think there’s a Mazola oil in the kitchen.”

Well, Jesus didn’t say what kind of oil. It could be Quaker’s State . . . It’s not in the oil. It’s in the name. That’s where it is. It’s not in the oil; it’s in the name!

You have to understand who you are and what you got a hold of.

Lee Stoneking

So I ran to the kitchen. It’s my first anointing. And I’ve got this big bottle of Mazola oil, and I spilled it! I was anointed to pray for the whole city. I had oil all over my hand!

I ran back there, I put my hands on her head, and I said, “I command this headache to be gone, this sickness to be gone, in Jesus’ name!”

She took her hands and grabbed her head. She opened her eyes and stared at me, and she said, “It’s gone! It’s gone!”

It’s supposed to be gone! Something is supposed to happen when you pray in the name of Jesus. Something does happen [when you lay hands on the sick].

I was involved with the gifts of healing within eight hours after I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And I’ve never stopped it!

You have got to understand who you are and what you got a hold of!

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