Help Me

Sometimes, we don’t ask for help. Though God knows everything, He wants us to come to Him and communicate our needs.

Summer Still

Our son Jake is three years old, and we suspect he may be on the autism spectrum. He is considered “non-verbal.” In the past few months, he has begun to speak through repeating and such but does not yet have enough use of words and sentences to share his thoughts through speech.

This can cause so much frustration because he cannot clearly communicate his feelings, wants, or needs. This lack of communication often leads to meltdowns because we are not understanding what exactly is wrong.

As a parent, it is so hard to respond to him when I have no idea what his problem could be.

This morning, Jake was playing with our Alexa Echo Dot. It rolled under the bed to where he could not reach it. He tried and tried by his own might, but he could not grab a hold of it. 

Jake started to cry. His heart was so broken and distraught because he just couldn’t reach what he so desperately wanted.

It was then I heard the words, “Help me. Help me.”

My heart launched into action. Not only was my precious child saying something new, but those words were effectively communicating. He needed help.

Compassion moved me, and I attempted to grab the Echo Dot from under the bed. I could not reach it.

I went to find something to give me a longer reach, but Jake misunderstood my leaving and started to cry even harder, “Help me. Help me.”

He could not see that I was working to help meet his need.

He could not see that I had to grab a hanger to help push the object closer into reach.

God is our Father, and a parent is moved with compassion when they hear the cry of their child.

Sometimes, we don’t ask for help. Though God knows everything, He wants us to come to Him and communicate our needs. He wants us to include Him in the process and to trust Him with our struggles.

When we do ask for help, we might not see how He is taking action immediately. It is so important to trust God’s process. Whether He answers in a way that we desire or redirects us in another way, He is always faithful to His children.

Even through the many times Israel sinned against God and worshipped idols, giving themselves over to captivity and bondage, God’s heart was still moved with compassion when they cried out to Him for help. He would always make a way of eventual deliverance for His children.

We are God’s children, and He loves us. God sees us. God knows our needs. Cry out to Him. Ask Him to help you. Communicate your needs to Him. Allow Him the opportunity to be a good Father.

“You fathers—if your children ask for a fish, do you give them a snake instead? Or if they ask for an egg, do you give them a scorpion? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.” – Luke 11:11-13 (NLT)

About Summer Still 17 Articles
Summer Still is a member of New Life Church in Chillicothe, MO, where she and her husband, Jacob serve in ministry under the leadership of Pastor Jeff Keck. Her greatest ministry is being a mother to two precious little boys. She is the founder of Let’s Talk Jesus, a blog that is focused on Christian encouragement. Summer has a passion for helping with church planting and growing new ministries within churches.

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