God, Our Father

BY: Breana Henry

I finished the story, closed the book, and kissed my five-year-old goodnight. He yawned and sleepily said, “Momma, did you know Jesus bosses us around?” I said, “No, what makes you think that?” He said, “Well, he’s our father and tells us what to do, so he bosses us around.” I explained the love of God and how his commandments keep us safe and help us have the best life available. I kissed him again, then headed to bed pondering his words.

In the Old Testament, just after the Law was given, a list of promises were presented. God promised the Israelites that if they would obey, follow, and love Him, then He would be their God, and they would be His people. There were listed a great many benefits for obeying, following, and loving Him, as well as a great many benefits to being His people. His commandments are not grievous. They are made in love. They are set for our protection and provision. How merciful to set up parameters to keep us from harming ourselves and others. This all-knowing God who can see the end from the beginning saw fit to step into the affairs of men and establish boundaries. Like a loving father, He says, “You may only go this far.” But more than just a loving father, He is a very faithful friend who promises He will also never leave us nor forsake us.

Why wouldn’t we want to obey, follow, and love Him?  He gently leads and guides us beside still waters and into green pastures. His rod and staff are not weapons He wields, but they are comfort, love, gentleness, kindness, patience, and tender mercy guiding us away from treacherous paths. He’s no tyrant waiting for us to fall. He’s not punitive. God is love. He is not willing that any should perish. He is for us. He desires us. His kindness leads us to repentance not because He’s on an ego trip but because there’s a better way. Sin leads to destruction. If we stay on the destructive path, there’s only one way it will end. He has made a way of escape. He has taken every conceivable measure to make a way for us to be with Him for eternity, and all He wants in return for that salvation from death and destruction is our love, devotion, and surrender. He asks that we be holy for He is holy and that we obey His commandments. He does not ask these things as a boss, but as a father who can see the bigger picture and wants us to be with Him.

Sin seems to be an ancient concept, something that only existed in days gone by, and is now overtaken by our modern sensibilities. The truth, however, is that sin is still very real and will in fact lead to destruction. If the word of God said something was wrong then, it is still wrong today. God desires our obedience to protect us from the inevitable devastation caused by sin. What love! A father will not allow a son to run into the street, not because He is the child’s boss, but because of love.

God spoke to the Israelites in the Old Testament, “…Repent, and turn from all your transgressions, so that iniquity will not be your ruin. Cast away from you all the transgressions which you have committed, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit.” (Ezekiel 18:30-32). God is holy and will not rest in the presence of an unholy people. We must make ourselves ready like a bride for her groom. John also prepared the way for the Lord by preaching in the New Testament, “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 3:2). Those words still ring true. We can trust God and His word. He is not seeking to be the boss in control, He already has that. He wants us to turn over our will. He is seeking our obedience and our love for no other reason than to be together with us forever.

About Breana Henry 8 Articles
Breana Henry holds a Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counseling (Angelo State University) and a Bachelor’s Degree in English (University of Texas of the Permian Basin). She served numerous years as a Professional School Counselor and a middle school teacher. Breana currently travels and ministers with her husband as full-time Evangelists with the United Pentecostal Church International. She lives with her husband and two boys in Odessa, TX.

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