Before and After

A few months of quarantine has given me the time to tackle some much-needed household decluttering. I had been feeling a sense of chaos around me, and I now recognize that these familiar items were the source. Our family had simply accumulated too many unnecessary things!

I had been living in survival mode for so long: I started ignoring things that I felt were not “important enough” to deal with. But now, determined to change, I spent a substantial amount of time looking at before/after photos on Pinterest until I felt inspired!

One day, I vented my embarrassment to a friend that the toy room was completely out of hand. I did not even know where to start. She suggested dumping everything out in the middle of the floor.  

“No seriously,” she said, “there’s something about being able to see it all,”

I tried it, and it worked! #momhack

The longer I held on to unnecessary things, the more difficult it has been for me to move into the next place God has for me.

Karissa Fuller

Weighing the pros and cons of what to keep vs what to throw, I found myself contemplating spiritual things also.

Over the last year or so, God has had me at a crossroads where I must choose what is worth bringing into my future and what is no longer serving me from my past.

Whether a toxic relationship, harmful thought patterns, or simply a familiar comfort zone, there comes a time we must sort through it all and make a decision. The longer I held on to unnecessary things, the more difficult it has been for me to move into the next place God has for me.

In order to effectively “declutter,” it helped when I see exactly what I was dealing with. I began to pray for clarity. Then much like the mess in the middle of the toy room, I laid it all out on display. It felt embarrassing, daunting and overwhelming, but I had to force myself to see the things in my life that I had been ignoring.

Little by little, as I pulled stuff from the pile, I made up my mind what to keep and what had to go. I felt a burden lift as I began to make room for what God has been wanting to give me all along.

Sometimes we’re our own worst enemy when it comes to stepping into everything God has for us. I am learning to get out of my own way and allow God the space He needs to completely transform my mind and environment.

When we are coming through a difficult season, we tend to have a death grip on things that once served to protect us. But God is saying, it’s time to let go.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Romans 12:2 KJV

Let your life be the before/after that inspires someone else to change.

About Karissa Fuller 3 Articles
Karissa Fuller is currently surviving thriving in her role as a SAHM to her 4 children. She manages to juggle the ups and downs of motherhood, marriage and entrepreneurship. She and her husband, David have been married for 15 years. She enjoys reading a good book, singing, and spending time with friends and family. More recently, she has started a family blog entitled “Fuller Perspective”. On the blog, she shares her past experiences, as well as what God is teaching her in what she refers to as “a season of waiting”.

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