
What Is Good?

I had an interesting conversation with my mom recently. My mother made the statement, “If everyone just focused less on this and more on putting good out into the world… the world would be a […]

Christian Life

The Impact of Salt

Salt is one of the oldest and most commonly found food seasonings. Everyone knows what salt is, but sometimes the importance or necessity of salt, the impact that salt has is not realized until it […]


The Red Lantern

The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race is a long-distance sled dog race that covers 1000 miles of the roughest terrain with jagged mountain ranges, frozen rivers, dense forests, desolate tundra, and miles of windswept coast. […]


Help Me

Sometimes, we don’t ask for help. Though God knows everything, He wants us to come to Him and communicate our needs. Summer Still Our son Jake is three years old, and we suspect he may […]

Christian Life


Confusion can be defined as the lack of understanding, the state of being unclear in one’s mind, or bewildered. Things happen in this life and of this world that lead me to feeling confused, and […]