Are Miracles Possible?

Testimony of Jonathan Cole

Yes, miracles are possible!

It was 80 months ago that I heard the words, “You have a brain tumour.”

I fell to my knees and cried out to God for a miracle. My faith immediately envisioned my head without the tumour. I typed out the message on Facebook, “What brain tumour? It’s gone in Jesus Name!”

I ended up having brain surgery seven days later. The pathology report came back GBM – the worst type possible (prognosis of 12-18 months). I started with thirty radiation treatments and forty-two days straight of chemo treatments. My radiation oncologist, Dr. Lirette, told me at that time that only one person from the Moncton clinic survived five years with GBM brain cancer. I had a 5% chance of making it to the five year mark, a 2 % chance of making it to six yrs.

I have to admit. For a moment, I was overwhelmed with fear. I had some doubts that entered my mind. I thought, “This can’t be happening. I’m only forty-one years old with a young family.”

It wasn’t long before I regained my focus and put my faith and trust in the Lord knowing that He was more than able to perform the miraculous. No matter what, I was in His hands and my steps were being ordered by the Lord. I really felt God impress upon my heart to share my journey on Facebook and any other opportunity given to me and that He was gonna use this journey for His glory and I’m so thankful that he has.

This is such a huge miracle! Close to the start of this journey, the professionals told me I would never drive again after having a good portion of my occipital lobe removed and sent to Halifax, but God restored my vision after two years and I had my drivers licence reinstated.

Over the past six and a half years, I’ve had over one hundred great blood tests. Not one of them has shown any sign of toxicity after having 457 chemo treatments (over 120,000 mg). This is unheard of! I have no signs or symptoms of cancer. My MRI three weeks ago was completely clear. Recently, a researcher/scientist for GBM from Moncton met with me. They are trying to figure me out. Good luck with that!

Nothing makes sense with my case. What many cannot comprehend is that God specializes in things like this! Some things just can’t be scientifically explained. It’s miraculous! A miracle is something not explicable by natural or scientific laws. Such an event can be attributed to a supernatural being. This is what our God can do!

You can expect a miracle as well.

He does not always give us exactly what we want. Sometimes His answer is completely opposite of what we ask for, but that doesn’t change the fact that He still does miracles today.

I’m so thankful for my God, family, doctors, nurses and all who have prayed for me. I’m believing God to give all of us many more miracles in 2019.

Feed your faith and starve your doubts.

Jonathan Cole

Don’t stop believing. Never give up! Feed your faith and starve your doubts. The road is not always easy. Even when it doesn’t make sense, keep the faith! The world says, “Seeing is believing,” faith says, “Believing is seeing.”

Remember: fear can keep us up all night long, but faith makes one fine pillow. Faith is a force that is greater than any knowledge, power or skill. Many defeats turn into triumph if we trust in God’s wisdom and will.

Believe me, miracles are possible!

Rev. Jonathan Cole is Pastor of Revival Centre Church in Amherst, Nova Scotia Canada and UPCI Global Missions Director for the Nova Scotia District.

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