A Spoonful and a Feast


Four months. That’s all. Only four months of the prophet Haggai’s ministry was recorded in Scripture, but ironically his name means “Feast of Yahweh.”  Such a menially measured amount of time feels more like a spoonful than a feast, considering other prophets like Jeremiah whose ministry was recorded for 40 years or more in Scripture and Hosea whose messages spanned a period of over 60 years. Yet, it was Haggai’s ministry that was boldly declared a “feast” for ages to come! Further, it was this minor prophet’s voice that “stirred” the hearts of God’s wounded, broken people, following extended exile and captivity, to rebuild the Temple of God after it’s trauma-inducing destruction! The only other mention of Haggai in the entirety of Scripture is in the book of Ezra, where it’s noted that he lived a life of service to Judah and Jerusalem.

“Now Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the prophet, a descendant of Iddo, prophesied to the Jews in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the God of Israel, who was over them. Then Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel and Joshua son of Jozadak set to work to rebuild the house of God in Jerusalem.” Ezra 5:1-2 (ESV).

Haggai lived his life dedicated to Judah, which means “praise,” and Jerusalem, which means “peace,” for decades before his voice ever stirred the leaders of God’s people into revival!

“So the LORD stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua son of Jozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of the whole remnant of the people. They came and began to work on the house of the LORD Almighty, their God,” Haggai 1:14 (NIV).

Haggai’s prophecies were historically labeled as quite plain and his words were notably simple, but it was his voice that catalyzed the moving of the Spirit of God into unprecedented revival and repurposing for God’s people. Haggai was never heralded for his masterful sermons or lauded for his poetic oratories, but it was from this diligent heart that revival sprang forth into demonstration! A humble servant that was determined to walk in praise to God and at peace with men provided the groundwork for the temple of God to be rebuilt again. Nothing will ever shout more loudly in the Kingdom of God than faithful, consistent service!

Anna was only married 7 years before her husband died. She lived as a widow the rest of her life. It was common for women to be married at thirteen years old in Jewish culture, so it could have been that Anna’s life fell apart in her early 20’s, right when it all should have been coming together. All the women Anna’s age were probably having children and building families, but she was very suddenly lurched into indescript loneliness with no warning and nothing to build her life upon. In Scripture, Anna’s name meant “grace,” when in reality, it looked like grace was the very opposite of what God was showing her. Here we find Anna in Luke 2:36-38:

“There was also a prophet, Anna, the daughter of Penuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, and then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.”

In life, Anna had been served a feast of heartache and disappointment that she could have allowed to devour her entirely, yet here she was serving in the house of God faithfully! Anna could have taken her circumstances as a sign that God had rejected her, denying her of a hope and a future. She could have taken her overwhelming losses and hidden herself from the face of God because, to everyone else, it clearly seemed that He had hidden His face from her. Instead, Anna “worshipped day and night in the temple” and, like Haggai, in all the rubble of loss, disappointment and exiled loneliness, Anna chose to pick up the label of “faithful servant” to the House of God!

Luke 2:38 states that at “the very moment” Jesus arrived at the temple, Anna saw Him face to face. Here we see 84 years of loss redeemed and swallowed up that “very moment” when Anna saw the face of Redemption Himself! Anna’s life was no longer labeled by loss and less-than-desirable circumstances but by the very presence of God Himself. The old disappointments and losses that might have pushed you onto your face today could be the very means by which you will see the face of God. Just like Anna experienced, turning the “very moments” you thought would be the “end of you” into the revelation of Jesus to the world around you. 

In the Kingdom of God, Haggai’s mere 4 months of recorded ministry and Anna’s 84 years of loss, became the framework for the rebuilding of God’s physical and spiritual temple upon the earth. Keep worshipping relentlessly! Keep serving intentionally! Keep praying ceaselessly! There is no testimony more steadfastly enduring or message more powerfully moving than a life lived in faithful, authentic service to the House of God. Such a life doesn’t just administer a spoonful of God’s goodness upon the earth but also provides a “feast” for generations to come. 

About Kara Moses 9 Articles
Kara is on the ministry team at the First United Pentecostal Church of Leesville, Louisiana. She lives to worship with all of her heart and share the life-giving Word of God at every opportunity. She speaks, sings, writes and dedicates every available moment to the facilitating of revival in her local Church. She is also a tenured Advocate and has served within multiple national networks of Attorney and Non-Attorney representatives in serving people with disabilities.

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